Sunday, December 16, 2007

Law of Attraction

Law of Attraction –

Thought is a creative energy, and will automatically correlate with its object and bring it into manifestation.

- Charles F Haanel

Saturday, December 15, 2007

The Law of Attraction

Either way, the Law of Attraction is some times erroneously associated as a recent development when in fact this principle has been around for millennia. In the March 29, 2007, USA TODAY article Secret history of 'The Secret' An old-time self-help religion gets new face, former Touched by an Angel star, and minister of the Understanding Principles of Better Living church in Los Angeles, Della Reese Lett is quoted saying, "Child, The Secret hasn't been a secret since the times of Moses, if not before. But every generation needs a new way to look at things that have been around a while. I suppose right now The Secret is it."

Truth is the concept of the Law of Attraction is in documents thousands of years old. One such document is the Emerald Tablet, predating both Corpus Hermeticum and Christian religion literature. Neither the origin, nor the actual age is known. Numerous translations in different languages have survived, even though the original green stone artifact was buried around 400 AD supposedly in the Giza plateau region to protect it from religious zealots destroying anything disagreeing with their beliefs. In addition to alchemy, the prophetic wisdom contained in the hidden meaning for transforming reality is actually about the unity of divinity between Spirit, soul, and corporeal body. The profound spiritual principles guide people through steps of personal physical, mental, and spiritual transformation to achieve higher states of self-consciousness. Moreover, before 1300 BC Moses may have used the Emerald Tablet to influence Pharaoh Akhenaten to monotheism worship. Around this period other near-Eastern hymnology writings have strong similarities between Akhenaten’s Great Hymn to the Aten and the Biblical Psalm 104. Unfortunately, most of the evidence from this era was destroyed. Rhonda Byrne, creator of The Secret, uses the Emerald Tablet as one of the historical supports for her work.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Law of Attraction

Through the centuries, and all over the globe there are countless forms of media about the belief system of the Law of Attraction. Over the last year, the controversial movie and book The Secret caused such a stir in consciousness it has caused a reawakening of this point of view. In a few words, the Law of Attraction concept is “like attracts like”. When applied to the human experience, it refers to how a person’s actions, beliefs, emotions, feelings, and thoughts are a magnet for either positive or negative experiences. In other words, matching harmonious vibrations manifest. Another way to look at it is, just like “you are what you eat” the Law of Attraction states “you get what you think about” or “your thoughts determine your reality”. Some people disagree with this point of view, while others support it.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Courage to Move Ahead

Holy Spirit,
You have given me many dreams and goals,
some of which require me reach farther
and be more than I ever have.
I move forward though my fears,
encouraged by Your peaceful presence.
I know You would not call me to do anything
You have not equipped me to do.
I boldly take the actions You direct,
knowing my success is assured.
Thank You for inspiring me to be all I can be.
Thank You for the courage to move ahead boldly.
Thank You, God.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

The Our Father

Aramaic translation of The Lord's Prayer
Our Father who is throughout the universe,
Let Your name be set apart.
Come Your Kingdom counsel.
Let Your desire be, as in the universe,
also on the earth.
Give us bread for our necessities this day.
And free us from our offenses,
as also we have freed our offenders.
And do no let us enter our temptation worldliness,
but set us free from error.
For belongs to You the kingdom, power, and song,
from ages to ages.
Sealed in faithfulness.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

What Lies Within You?

I am Spirit
I am Holy
I am Scared
I am Love
You are Spirit
You are Holy
You are Scared
You are Love
We are Spirit
We are Holy
We are Scared
We are Love
All is Spirit
All is Holy
All is Scared
All is Love

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Montel Show

Montel did a show on The Secret with Canfield a couple of weeks ago. It is interesting how this way of thinking has caught on. We started with it last year and have watched it grow.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

The Secret in St Petersburg Florida

This week was interesting. I found The Secret hardcover book on sale for $13+ at Costco's on Tuesday afternoon. The workers were talking about it. On Thursday afternoon when I was with a small group of people, I had the unplanned, unexpected pleasure of watching the original version of the movie on a huge wide screen TV. It now seems to have caught on like wild fire.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Well Being

I am one with the stream of well-being.
All is well.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

The Secret

Oprah did a show on The Secret Thursday. I have seen the movie a couple times now. I thought they had a very good discussion about this on Thursday. I was really impressed at how well they described and discussed everything. The original version has Ester Hicks in it and I personally think this version is better. I really enjoyed the Oprah show on this topic though. It is amazing how our consciousness is changing.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

2-7-07 Prayer for our Children

Dear God
Connect with us now as we come together in your name to pray for our children. Beloved Christ teach us how to be more loving and compassionate today and help us to not become angry or frustrated. Dear God, beloved Christ, we call for divine intercession from You and your angels, and accept it done this hour in full power.

Beloved angels go forth this day and each day to protect our children and every child and teenager throughout the world. Protect them from every form of danger to their bodies, minds and souls. Raise up their parents and teachers and bring into their lives the role models and guidance they need to fulfill their unique life plans.

Archangel Chamuel and your band of angels of love we pray for love, compassion, mercy and forgiveness; dissolve our feelings of self-condemnation and low self esteem; protect us against malice, slander, and misunderstanding; repair our damaged relationships and help us to get along with others.

Archangel Uriel and your band of angels of peace we pray for peace on earth, renew our hope, untangle our knots of anger and fear, and manifest divine justice throughout our world.

We thank you and accept this done in full power according to the will of God.

Monday, February 5, 2007

Process #21 Reclaiming One's Natural State of Health

Do this process while lying in a comfortable place--the more comfortable the better. Choose a time when you have approximately 15 minutes when you are not likely to be disturbed:
  • It is natural for my body to be well.
  • Even if I don't know what to do in order to get better, my body does.
  • I have trillions of cells with individual Consciousness, and they know how to achieve their individual balance.
  • When this condition began, I didn't know what I know now.
  • If I had known then what I know now, this condition couldn't have gotten started.
  • I don't need to understand the cause of this illness.
  • I don't need to explain how it is I'm experiencing this illness.
  • I have only to gently, eventually, release this illness.
  • It doesn't matter it got started, because it is reversing its course right now.
  • It's natural it would take some time for my body to begin to align to my improved thoughts of Well-Being.
  • There's no hurry about any of this.
  • My body knows what to do.
  • Well-Being is natural to me.
  • My Inner Being is intricately aware of my physical body.
  • My cells are asking for what they need in order to thrive, and Source Energy is answering those requests.
  • I'm in very good hands.
  • I will relax now, to allow communication between my body and my Source.
  • My only work is to relax and breathe.
  • I can do this.
  • I can do this easily.
  • This sensation of pain is an indicator Source is responding to my cellular request for Energy.
  • This sensation of pain is a wonderful indicator help and healing is on the way.
  • Relax.
  • Breathe.
  • Trust.
  • All-Is-Well.
  • Make a decision about what you want, focus your attention there, and find the feeling-place of it--and you are there instantly. There is no reason for you to suffer or struggle your way to or through anything.